Internal click tracking


Name Param Definition Example
Campaign Source ict_source Use to identify a search engine, newsletter name, or other source. mag
Campaign Medium ict_medium Use to identify a medium such as post, or page or banner post page
Campaign Name ict_campaign Use to identify a specific product promotion or strategic campaign. jan_2020
Campaign Term ict_term Use to define the text of the link (if not set, can be inferred from the actual link text) link+text
Campaign Content ict_content Use to differentiate ads or links that point to the same URL. text image text-inline text-bottom-of-post
Additional parameters ict_XXXXX Use any other parameter name to ensure more properties are sent with the click event

Generating urls with tracking metadata

You can use this sheet.

Example urls

Checking data sent to segment

You can use the segment event tracker chrome extension.


Github repo